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To the mom I used to be: Two years ago, you were happy and whole. You had a plan for life — start a new business, get involved in the school PTA, teach your sons how to ride bicycles and play sports, spend as much time with your friends and parents as possible, watch your children mature, grow old with your husband. You were optimistic — a "glass half full" person who saw the silver lining in every cloud and often felt so much joy you thought you would burst. You always looked forward — never backwards, no regrets. You smiled and laughed a lot. You danced. You aren't that person anymore.


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Anyone who has cared for a dog knows they are more that just a pet. Our dogs are friends, caretakers, playmates, and so much more. When you spend your life in the company of a dog, they become like your other half and losing them can be devastating. Although it is true that a dog never really dies and they live on forever in hearts, not having your four-legged sidekick by your side is tough.


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