目前分類:自己的健康自己顧! (4)

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Annette Larkins已經73歲了,但他看起來就像30幾接近40歲一樣。她是如此的活力充沛又健康的女性,她的肌膚乾淨無瑕,而她的曲線是人人夢想的那種。

Annette Larkins has 73 years and looks like she is in her late 30s. She is incredibly vital and healthy lady, she has a perfectly clean skin and a body figure that all dream of.


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How Personal Development Saved My Life  



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我們常常苦惱到底要不要外食。我們深受那菜單上那隱藏了許多脂肪、熱量、及鹽分的菜名誘惑。行為經濟學及食物心理學博士Brian Wansink告訴你,想要有更健康的飲食,外食的選擇上是有些小技巧的。

Many of us struggle to keep ourselves in check when eating out. We become tempted by the sheer number of choices and get lost in the minefield of hidden fat, calories and salt in menu items. But there are some simple tricks to help us make healthier choices at restaurants, says behavioral economist and food psychologist Brian Wansink, Ph.D.


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If you’re anything like me, you love a good nap. It’s almost like rebooting your brain. But did you know that napping has some pretty far-reaching effects on your health? Shorter naps give you the ‘best bang for your buck’ according to experts, but longer naps have their benefits too.


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