目前分類:蝦密?!我沒聽說過~ (7)

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Can you imagine trying to win the pub quiz without google at your finger tips, or keeping up with your friends without the use of Facebook? Scary prospect, right? Aside from being a great convenience to us, technology is actually capable of an immense creative power.


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要擠出29加侖的母奶可是要花許多時間擠奶的。不過對於威斯康辛州的這位叫做Amy Bormann的媽媽來說,能夠用這些母奶幫助需要的寶寶,這可是非常值得的。這位兩個孩子的媽媽在接受ABC新聞訪問時表示,由於她正在哺乳第二個孩子,當時寶寶才六個月大,但卻儲存了兩大箱奶在冷凍櫃中,而她又還不想要斷奶也不希望浪費這兩大箱的奶,她決定與當地的母奶銀行聯繫。


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Two South African toddlers accidentally swapped on the day they were born should stay with the families who raised them and not be returned to their biological parents, a court-appointed expert said on Wednesday.


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11. 溺水的時候看起來並不像溺水

Drowning often doesn’t look like drowning.

20 Facts That Should Be Common Knowledge But Aren't

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1. 金魚缸對金魚很不好! 

Goldfish bowls are really bad places to keep goldfish.

20 Facts That Should Be Common Knowledge But Aren't

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Back in February, a clever Swedish subway shampoo ad, in which a woman's long hair blows around her face whenever a train arrives, went viral. Recently, subway commuters spotted a new ad that uses the same windblown concept, but adds a powerful twist.


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作家Darrell West在他即將出版的新書Billionaires: Reflections on the Upper Crust (Brookings Institution Press, 2014)中寫道: “我們很容易又崇拜世界上的百萬富翁,卻又十分懼怕他們對選舉、政府及公共策略的影響力。”這本新書將在9/18上市,書中介紹與分析了全球擁有最多資源的人,與他們的影響力所在。


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