我並不想說太多,但你不覺得這漢堡讓人聯想到下面這張圖(下圖左)嗎?這張圖是圖像大師Milton Glaser(JL編:這位大師就是設計出 I HEART NY的大師)設計的,他設計出這樣一個圖,代表這個正在死亡的地球,代表地球正在被許多黑色的東西掩蓋,而這包含了各種汙染、油汙、甚或是死亡。再表達一次我並不想給漢堡王太多的稱讚,因為食用紅肉對環境的變遷有很大的影響。但是至少漢堡王也許想要提醒人們地球環保的重要性。還有,吃肉等於是個屠夫的行為、速食會傷害你的身體。
JL 碎念:
但是多一個產品提醒我們地球需要我們的保護並沒什麼不好。也許做不到為了地球環保吃素,但至少我們有很多事情可以做: 回收、使用二手商品、隨手關燈、使用背面紙列印、使用洗米水澆花、使用洗澡水沖馬桶、使用環保再生紙。
原文在這裡: http://goo.gl/QMqSed
Burger King Japan is (re)introducing its pitch-black cheeseburger, which is like a regular cheeseburger, if you were to dip the bun and cheese into tar. To be technically accurate, it’s not tar but squid ink and bamboo charcoal that give the menu item its signature look.
I don’t want to read too much into it, but doesn’t it sort of remind you of this?:
That’s graphics legend Milton Glaser’s new logo for our (not technically) dying planet, which is supposed to symbolize Earth as it’s overtaken by a haze of black — pollution, perhaps, or oil, or maybe just death. Again, not to give too much credit to Burger King, but given what we know about the link between the consumption of red meat and climate change, it’s not a bad attempt at sending a similar message. Also, meat is murder and fast food will kill you.
According to a spokesperson for the company, “the black burgers sold extremely well because of their visual impact, but people continued to come back for them because of their taste.”