
Maybe sex doesn’t sell after all

根據Psychological Bulletin學術期刊所發表之研究,包含性或是暴力的廣告,或是類似性質的節目其實比中性的呈現方式更沒有效果。

Commercials that feature sex and violence -- or appear on programs with that kind of content -- are less effective than those with neutral themes, according to a study published by the academic journal Psychological Bulletin.

俄亥俄州立大學溝通與心理教授Brad Bushmand表示:根據他與別人共同做的研究,分析53個個案發現,暴力或是賣弄性感反而會分散觀看者的注意力,而降低了電視節目的效果。相似的結果也出現在類似的廣告中。

Violent and sexual television programming impairs viewers’ memory because it diverts attention from the advertising, said Brad Bushman, a professor of communication and psychology at Ohio State University and co-author of the study, which analyzed the results of 53 previous experiments.Results were similar when ads themselves contained sexual or violent content, he said.


“It never helps to have violence and sex in commercials,” Bushman said. “It either hurts, or has no effect at all.”

研究結論寫到 "含有暴力素材的廣告通常更不被人記住,而且被評選比較不喜歡,而且與沒有暴力素材的廣告相比,更不會被人所購買它的產品。我們認為賣弄性感的廣告雖然不像暴力的廣告一樣不討喜,但是也同樣不是個好的行銷策略。"

The study concluded that “brands advertised in violent contexts will be remembered less often, evaluated less favorably, and less likely to be purchased than brands advertised in nonviolent media. We also suggest that advertising in sexual media may not be as detrimental as advertising in violent media, but does not appear to be a successful strategy either.”


Bushman said his own earlier research didn’t find a significant difference in how men and women reacted to the different types of advertising. But the broader compilation of studies showed that violence and sex had a larger effect on males, he said.

俄亥俄州立大學研究員這份研究的共同作者Rober B. Lull, 現為賓州公共政策中心工作,他說到:現在有些廣告,已經開始採用這樣的研究結果來重新制定廣告策略。

The study -- co-written by Robert B. Lull, a former Ohio State researcher who is now at the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg Public Policy Center -- found that some advertisers have already adopted these conclusions in their strategies.


President Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign advertised on video-game sites, but avoided those of a violent or sexual nature. And Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the world’s largest retailer, has done its own research showing that its advertising was 18 percent more effective when placed in family-friendly programming.

JL 碎唸

非常好! 說真的我很討厭那種賣弄性感的廣告,覺得人類的智商應該比這還高很多才對呀~~~



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