


在幼稚園的時候,我的小女兒告訴你小孩說” Natalie你知道嗎?我血液中有一隻龍。我中國的媽媽在生我的時候傳承給我的。但我持續地吃藥所以這隻龍就一直在沉睡狀態。”Natalie與其他五個小朋友並沒有相信我女兒說的話。事實上,其中一個小朋友說我也是在中國出生的,我也有一隻龍。我想這小男孩只是想要融入。我告訴我的小女兒,他們只是尚未懂這一切。



她只是一個天生就感染到HIV的女孩。如果她的生母有能力在她懷孕的時候吃抗感染的藥,我的小女兒根本就不會有HIV,甚至她根本就不會被人放棄、被人認養。而且你知道嗎?我女兒跟其他HIV患者必須每天吃的藥在中國是免費的。免費!! 中國政府免費提供這些藥給中國HIV的患者。然而大部分的患者卻不願意服藥,因為承認你有HIV等於是向所有你愛的人說再見。你將會被遺棄、你將會被驅逐。人們唯恐不及的要避開你。




其實漠視與以訛傳訛真的是太可怕了,就像文章裡說的: HIV isn't scary, but ignorance and stigma are. 我想不只HIV,還有種族的議題,文化的議題其實都是如此。






She has played with your child at a local private preschool, been dunked next to yours during swim lessons, and stands in line behind your kid in gymnastics class. My HIV-positive child has legal protections that mean we don't have to tell you --schools, camps, parents, or anyone except doctors and dentists--about her HIV-positive status.


Because of the ignorance and stigma that's been associated with HIV, brave people have fought hard for the legal right to lie by omission about HIV status. Our social worker pre-adoption advised us: "Tell no one. There is so much stigma and ignorance out there. Already your Chinese child will stick out in your community. Do you really want to give people another reason not to accept her?"


At kindergarten this year, my sweet girl tried to tell your child. "Natalie, guess what? I have a dragon in my blood. I was born with it and my China mommy had it, too. When I take medicine the dragon stays asleep." Natalie, and five other friends, did not believe my daughter. In fact, one told her, "Well, I was born in China and I have a dragon, too!" I guess he felt left out. I explained to her they just didn't know the whole story and couldn't understand. Yet.


So why don't I have to tell schools, churches, and day cares? Because HIV has never been transmitted in these situations, period. Modern medications render the virus powerless. Every four months my child has her blood checked, and every time the results are the same: the sensitive lab tests detect no virus in her bloodstream. She is healthy, happy, and hilarious. I bandage her scraped knees; mop up bloody noses; share food, water, and kisses; and deal with boogies--all with no risk and no worries about contracting HIV.


Look, she just happened to be born with it. If her birth mother had been able to take life-changing antiretroviral drugs while she was pregnant, my daughter would be HIV free. It's possible that she wouldn't even have been relinquished for adoption. Just so you know, those expensive medications that my daughter and other HIV-positive people take every day? They're free in China. Free! The government pays for them. But most Chinese HIV-positive people don't take them, because admitting you are HIV positive means to die to everyone you love. You will be disowned, kicked out. Shunned.


My daughter might date your son when she's a teenager, and she'll marry and have HIV-negative babies one day--if she wants to. Please, fellow mommies, know that HIV is nothing to be afraid of. Please look online, google it, and talk with your pediatrician. Learn and research so that you know the truth, too. You don't have to take my word for it. But just so you know, my HIV-positive kid is playing with your kid, and you have no idea which one she is. And that's okay.


HIV isn't scary, but ignorance and stigma are.


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