
11. 溺水的時候看起來並不像溺水

Drowning often doesn’t look like drowning.

20 Facts That Should Be Common Knowledge But Aren't

根據水上危險性專家 Mario Vittone說,淹水時可能“並沒有水花四濺、手足揮動、求救聲等。“要如何辨別是否有溺水的人請參考這裡

According to maritime risk consultant Mario Vittone, there can be “very little splashing, no waving, and no yelling or calls for help of any kind” associated with drowning. To read more on how to identify a victim of drowning, go here.


12. 聖經中亞當與夏娃故事裡的禁果並非蘋果。

In the Bible, the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden wasn’t an apple.

20 Facts That Should Be Common Knowledge But Aren't


Genesis describes the forbidden object with the Hebrew word peri, which is a generic term for “fruit.” Scholars have speculated that the fruit may have been a fig, a grape, a pomegranate, or even a nut. The apple misconception may have germinated after the Bible was translated into Latin, because the Latin word for “evil,” malum, is similar to mālum, which is the Latin word for “apple.”


13. Claudette Colvin 比Rosa Parks早九個月前就在公車上拒絕讓座給白人。 

Claudette Colvin refused to give up her bus seat to a white person nine months before Rosa Parks did.

Claudette Colvin refused to give up her bus seat to a white person nine months before Rosa Parks did.

當時十五歲的Claudette Colvin比Parks早九個月就作出拒絕公車司機要求讓座的事情。也因此他被兩個警察給逮捕。Colvin說推動人權運動的領袖認為一個膚色這麼黑而且是青少年的人並不適合拿來做這個運動的海報人物。更多他的故事請看這裡。

Nine months before Parks refused to move to the back of the bus, 15-year-old Claudette Colvin refused a bus driver’s orders to relinquish her seat. Two police officers arrested her. Colvin says that civil rights leaders didn’t think a teen, especially one with a very dark complexion, would be a good poster child for their movement. Read more of her story here.

14. 大部份的烤箱頂部都可以抬起來方便清洗。

The top of most ovens lifts up for easy cleaning.

The top of most ovens lifts up for easy cleaning.


This helps prevent fires!

15. 中風的徵狀男女大不同。

Stroke symptoms are different for men and women.















Stroke symptoms are different for men and women.

16. 大部份的車子都有標示出你的加油槽在哪個方向。

Most cars have an arrow on the fuel gauge that tells you what side of the car the gas tank is on.

Most cars have an arrow on the fuel gauge that tells you what side of the car the gas tank is on.


Rental cars just got a whole lot easier.

17. 翼手龍並非恐龍。

Pterodactyls weren’t dinosaurs.

20 Facts That Should Be Common Knowledge But Aren't


The proper term is actually “pterosaur,” and they’re technically flying reptiles, not dinosaurs. Boo.

18. “Under God” was a later addition to the Pledge of Allegiance.

20 Facts That Should Be Common Knowledge But Aren't
Comedy Central

美國對國旗的《效忠宣誓》原是在1892年由一位傳道士Francis Bellamy寫成。原文如下:我謹宣誓效忠我的國旗及所代表之共和國,未可分裂之一國,自由平等全民皆享。


The pledge to the American flag was written in 1892 by the Baptist minister Francis Bellamy. In its original form, it read: “I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

In 1923, the words “my Flag” were changed to “the flag of the United States of America.” In 1954, President Eisenhower approved the addition of the words “under God” in light of pressure from clergy and from Eisenhower’s own recent Presbyterian baptism.


如今的The pledge to the American完整全文如下:I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.我謹宣誓效忠美利堅合眾國國旗及效忠所代表之共和國,上帝之下,未可分裂之國度,自由平等全民皆享。 

19. 給鴨子餵食麵包是很危險的。

Feeding bread to ducks is dangerous.

20 Facts That Should Be Common Knowledge But Aren't



Any artificial feeding of waterfowl leads to a surplus of fecal bacteria and poor animal nutrition, and it even affects migration patterns. White bread in particular distracts ducks from their natural healthy diets and can lead to unhealthy diseases. Learn more here.

20. 按Command/Ctrl + Shift + T可以把Chrome中不小心按掉的分頁找回來。

Command/Ctrl + Shift + T will restore your accidentally closed tab in Chrome.

20 Facts That Should Be Common Knowledge But Aren't


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