當Greg Wickerst的三歲女兒Izzy頭髮越來越長的時候,他忽然發現自己不知道怎麼幫她綁頭髮。不想讓女兒披頭散髮的走來走去,他開始在美容美髮班上課。讓女兒只要跟他在一起的時候,都能夠有最潮的髮型。

When Greg Wickerst's 3-year-old daughter Izzy's hair started getting long, he realized he didn't know what to do about it. Instead of letting his daughter walk around like a hot mess, he enrolled in cosmetology classes so she'd have a badass hairstyle every day she was with him, reports The Huffington Post.


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Annette Larkins已經73歲了,但他看起來就像30幾接近40歲一樣。她是如此的活力充沛又健康的女性,她的肌膚乾淨無瑕,而她的曲線是人人夢想的那種。

Annette Larkins has 73 years and looks like she is in her late 30s. She is incredibly vital and healthy lady, she has a perfectly clean skin and a body figure that all dream of.


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要擠出29加侖的母奶可是要花許多時間擠奶的。不過對於威斯康辛州的這位叫做Amy Bormann的媽媽來說,能夠用這些母奶幫助需要的寶寶,這可是非常值得的。這位兩個孩子的媽媽在接受ABC新聞訪問時表示,由於她正在哺乳第二個孩子,當時寶寶才六個月大,但卻儲存了兩大箱奶在冷凍櫃中,而她又還不想要斷奶也不希望浪費這兩大箱的奶,她決定與當地的母奶銀行聯繫。


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The coffee grounds are used for fertilizing plants and shaping up the skin, but the coffee ground or ground coffee is also very efficient in suppressing mosquitoes as US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) claims.


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You've never seen a video quite like hers. But before you get to it, here's what makes her fascinating.


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To the mom I used to be: Two years ago, you were happy and whole. You had a plan for life — start a new business, get involved in the school PTA, teach your sons how to ride bicycles and play sports, spend as much time with your friends and parents as possible, watch your children mature, grow old with your husband. You were optimistic — a "glass half full" person who saw the silver lining in every cloud and often felt so much joy you thought you would burst. You always looked forward — never backwards, no regrets. You smiled and laughed a lot. You danced. You aren't that person anymore.


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Two South African toddlers accidentally swapped on the day they were born should stay with the families who raised them and not be returned to their biological parents, a court-appointed expert said on Wednesday.


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Susan Wojcicki 沒有那些瘋狂的影片內容,但她是個在YouTube上的明星。她是知名影片分享網站YoutubeCEO,同時也是一個邊管理這數百億的科技公司並一邊準備迎接第五個孩子的孕婦。

Susan Wojcicki is a YouTube star without ever appearing in any crazy, viral online clips. She’s the CEO of the popular video-sharing site and she’s also an expectant mom, preparing to give birth to her fifth child while running the multi-billion dollar tech company.1D274907369105-today-shriver-wojiciki-141204-05.blocks_desktop_medium (1)


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How Personal Development Saved My Life  



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我們常常苦惱到底要不要外食。我們深受那菜單上那隱藏了許多脂肪、熱量、及鹽分的菜名誘惑。行為經濟學及食物心理學博士Brian Wansink告訴你,想要有更健康的飲食,外食的選擇上是有些小技巧的。

Many of us struggle to keep ourselves in check when eating out. We become tempted by the sheer number of choices and get lost in the minefield of hidden fat, calories and salt in menu items. But there are some simple tricks to help us make healthier choices at restaurants, says behavioral economist and food psychologist Brian Wansink, Ph.D.


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